I'm the head teacher, so you know they've got to be good.
Dragon Rulers (Incomplete) 10 DP
Black Garden Control 25 DP
Chaos Dragon Beatstick Spam 25 DP
Wind-up 3-axis Xyz 25 DP
Flamvell Synchro 25 DP
Hieratic Rulers Xyz Swarm 50 DP
Blackwing Synchro Swarm 50 DP
Evilswarm Turbo/Control 50 DP
Priestess Swarm Prophecy 75 DP
Constellar Xyz Spam 75 DP
Bujin Control 100 DP
Each of these decks has an extra deck containing relevant cards, a side deck formulated to neutralize the major threats in today's meta, and a detailed explanation of how the deck plays.